Personal certification
Welding, operator and soldering tests
Qualified for the examination
We are accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17024 (SCESe 109) and certify welders, operators and solderers according to the following regulations: EN ISO 9606, EN ISO 14732, in addition to which we are a recognised test centre according to Art. 24 of Directive 2014/68/EU, and EN 15085-2. The tests can also be carried out in accordance with AD 2000 HP3 or ASME Sec. IX on request.
We are qualified to accept welders, operators and solderers of the following processes:
Validity period Welding test
The welding examination has a validity of 2 or 3 years if the employer or the responsible welding supervisor confirms in writing every 6 months that:
- the welder welds regularly (maximum interruption 6 months)
- the welder welds within the scope of his welder examination
- the ability of the welder is not doubted
An extension of the validity period by a further 2 years is only possible if the testing laboratory has corresponding test reports on the quality of the welds carried out by the welder, e.g. documents on radiographic, ultrasonic or fracture tests.
We understand the importance of impartiality in the conduct of our certification activities, define how to manage conflicts of interest and ensure the objectivity of our certification activities.
Objections or complaints
In case of appeals or complaints please use this form. Disadvantages of the opponent are excluded.