Our areas of expertise

Semiconductor / Electronics

Eurofins Qualitech AG is a leading service provider for non-destructive material testing with highly trained and qualified experts. Our decades of experience in all common methods of non-destructive testing offer you a wide range of testing options to check your materials and workpieces for freedom from defects. This guarantees you satisfied customers, because nothing is more damaging to business than unexpected cases of damage.

Our services are complemented by the engineering services company Eurofins MASER Engineering. They offer reliability testing and failure analysis for the semiconductor and electronics industry and have the equipment and know-how to perform timely and efficient reliability testing and failure analysis on your semiconductors, electronic components, (sub)systems or complete products.

Our range of services

Semiconductors, electronic components and sensors are becoming increasingly smaller, which makes it much more difficult to test for defects, such as interrupted contacts or faulty solder or glue joints. A combination of good equipment and experienced engineers/technicians is the key to successful analysis.

Industrial computed tomography

With the help of high-resolution, three-dimensional images, you can obtain meaningful details about your components. Depending on geometry and material, a spatial resolution of up to approx. 15 micrometres is possible. Even the smallest defects in soldered joints can be detected and measured.

Reliability test

Incorporating reliability testing into your product manufacturing workflow gives you at least one of the following benefits:

A more robust product

Reduction in product maintenance costs
Reduction in field return rates
Improved knowledge of your own product

Failure analysis

Depending on the product phase, a successful failure analysis will give you at least one of the following benefits:

Shorter time to market

  • Reduction in manufacturing costs (improved yield)
  • Reduction of product maintenance costs
  • Reduction of return rates in the field
  • Improved knowledge of your own product